What is Ethical Wealth?


Back in the days when sharing in-person mystery school adventures with folks here on my home island (say, before the global shifts that took hold around the year 2020!), one common illusion a good number of artists & spiritual seekers often held was an urgent need & sincere desire to shift out of poverty consciousness more towards wealth.

But not just any type of wealth.

Ethical wealth.

The kind that hurt no one & benefitted all.

Which is the only kind I was ever interested in helping anyone manifest, including myself.

As working with folks long distance & astrally became more of a norm, little by little I gathered up the teachings & knowings that had worked for me as well as so many others, into the 4-D/5-D portal & beyond that's just been winging itself out into the world. 

Transformational Alchemy from the Big Island of Hawaii

What is it?

Not just a book, an experience. 

A "decoder ring," if you will. ;)

An invitation to weave potentially life-changing, life-enhancing new sacred realities ... as is humanity's assignment during these pivotal times. 

We may no longer be bodily traveling to secret black sand sea turtle beaches to undertake regular, in-person "mystery school" transformations together, but this important shared work continues on.

Available in color hardcover, paperback, and e-editions, along with b/w trade paperback print. 

NOTE: At this moment the cost of the color paperback (https://www.lulu.com/shop/molten-mama/word-magic-ethical-wealth/paperback/product-84r4rkp.html) is $4-7ish less than the color hardcover or even the black/white paperback, not including shipping. (UBL: https://books2read.com/u/4DzGPA).

Here's a brief excerpt (slightly paraphrased):

Remember how in the previous chapter, one particular author mentioned that in her case, it had taken a long time to eventually rid herself of a belief that a certain thing, when it occurred, inevitably brought disappointment? 

She said: "If the thing happened, disappointment invariably followed. I found the only way I could make a change in the subconscious, was by asserting, 'there are not two powers, there is only one power, God, therefore, there are no disappointments, and this thing means a happy surprise...'" 

...and then a shift occurred, and happy surprises started coming her way.

I now find, to my delight, that the same thing she discovered holds True for me as well, with real-world evidence unfolding in this manner: 

Years ago certain events transpired which directly led, step-by-step, to a good portion of my life turning into an emotional and economic tailspin; a tailspin I subsequently spent a good deal of time (literally years!) praying about -- and physically dealing with -- until circumstances at last turned around ... but not before costing a pretty penny (we're talking in the thousands here, people) during times that were financially trying for me as well as for much of the rest of America.

It was an era I was eventually thrilled to leave behind, and of course was sure nothing like that could ever reoccur.

However, just last week -- believe it or not -- one of the EXACT SAME main precipitating events happened AGAIN! 

No one in my world could believe it.

I mean, what are the odds?!

Like last time, I immediately began praying about (and having to deal with) the practicalities, pretty much on the verge of total overwhelm (and weeping a good deal of the time) because of just how very long and expensive my last experience with an event of this kind had been (I still had PTSD about it all!) ... only this time, the initial circumstances turned themselves around instead within exactly two days, without costing me a dime so far...

...and in fact, unlike last time when compensation was due for what had occurred that has to this day not yet been received, this time around it looks as if compensation is once again due me, and will be received. :) 

(Follow-up: yup, it has.)

So that's the kind of energy that the Ethical Wealth book you hold in your hands is infused with; the kind that explores learning how to transmute obstacles into more harmonious blessings in a matter of days or weeks, instead of having to suffer for multiple years.

Note to potential readers: The time of poverty-stricken artists & healers is -- and definitely needs to be -- over.

Happy up-leveling!