In eras like now, when much about humanity seems to be transitioning...

(read: &/or being encouraged/forced to transition?)

towards ever-greater use of technology as opposed to sharing significant in-person time the way we all used to, while embracing some of the convenience of such techie tools I've also been making sure to continue offering a certain healthy amount of tangible, direct ways to metaphysically "connect" with kindred human souls as well...

Because being alive & connecting with fellow/sister natural beings is Life.

No matter how innovative or fabulous, no form of technology can say the same.

Technology is a tool.

Useful, yes.

But also somewhat life-force-robbing, if you're not careful. (One has only to look around at the state humanity + the Earth itself is in, to see that this is true.)

Two NewishYummy Alchemical Ways I've Been Birthing

Continued Authentic Human-to-Human Connection

During These Intense Times on Planet Earth!

Though I have not been offering as much custom-tailored sacred "mystery school" guidance & adventures in person here in Hawaii as I once did (, the desire to continue collaborating in this way across time/space with genuine spiritual kin who are interested in evolving is growing into new shapes.

One of these new shapes are books that can either be held in the hands or read on e-devices...while another is now being able to chat directly with sister/fellow humans deep in the thick of the personal growth/evolutionary process.

1) Regarding the first new way we can connect,

here's a Messages From The Volcano book excerpt:

"Real Hawaiian kahunas open to teaching non-Hawaiians are quite rare...

And, in fact, I'd been having some rather unusual experiences myself "calling in" sea creatures, though not on purpose; experiences that I was looking forward to possibly asking this kahuna about.

For me, it wasn't honu (sea turtles) that were appearing in any unusual way (almost as if they'd been summoned), but rather singular teeny tiny tropical or silvery fish, which when I was lolling about in the ocean would suddenly appear, swimming directly towards my heart and then attempting to stay nestled there regardless of whether I swung around in circles or endeavored to walk through the water elsewhere trying to leave them behind.

The first time this happened, I assumed the small fish was new to ocean life and maybe seeking shelter from bigger fish wanting to consume it. Possibly it had mistaken me for a proper hiding spot ... even though there weren't any bigger fish around that I could see. 

No other fish at all, in fact.

But this happened more than once.

At different beaches.

With these new little aquatic friends not leaving the safe harbor of my heart area until I got out of the water entirely.

And it didn't only happen with new little fish friends. 

One time I was swimming at Richardson's Beach Park, known for its rocky breakwater and sheltered coral coves that feature excellent snorkeling, when all of a sudden I felt shark energy in the water; something that had never happened before, at least not in relatively shallow water like this on a public snorkeling beach!

(Out in the deep ocean of their normal terrain where I'd actively sought them out on other occasions being a separate matter.)

Now, I happen to like sharks.

They've been here since the age of the dinosaurs, and I wish them no harm. 

In fact, I consider them one of my aumakua (personal/family guardian/animal spirits). And I believe humans should certainly not be decimating their numbers with fishing nets or restaurants clamoring for sliced-off fins with which to make soup.

On the other hand, I had no desire to be swimming in close proximity to a shark amidst all these screaming, thrashing children, boogie boarders, and snorkelers.

The energy just felt off.


Potentially dangerous.

So, even though I hadn't actually seen anything, I decided it might be a good time to get out.

Not five minutes later sunning on my towel — which happened to be located near the lifeguard stand — I heard the excited babbles of two snorkelers who raced from the water to report a large tiger shark they'd spotted within the public swim area.

A tiger shark.

At Richardsons Beach Park.

Inside the breakwater.

So on this later special day here in magical, mystical Hawaii, I was looking forward to the possibility of asking a new bone fide, honu-calling local kumu what her thoughts about all of the above might be.

On the drive over to the other side of the island, the friend who'd made this kahuna's acquaintance chatted excitedly about the fortunate opportunity we were being blessed with, being invited to observe a Hawaiian kahuna calling in wild turtles from the sea. 

How powerful of a shaman must someone have to be in order to be able to do that?!

In fact, this relatively new friend thought she might begin apprenticing under this very kahuna...!

But when we arrived and found our way to where that kumu was greeting people, something occurred which had never happened to me before. I took one look at the slim, older, dark-haired woman from across the parking lot, and felt a shudder shoot through me. 

Worse yet, though the woman hadn't yet looked our way, it was as if I could feel her noting our arrival with some kind of aggressive interest. 

An interest that became even keener and more frightening as we approached the group huddled around her and she directly laid eyes on us, especially seemingly, me.

While my friend introduced us and was swiftly drawn into the kumu's embrace, I found myself making an excuse and backing away as though needing to make such a quick visit to the lua (restrooms) after our long car journey, I couldn't even take a moment to be polite.

I was aware that my new friend along with the other people standing around seemed startled by such rudeness since there was nothing outwardly unusual about being drawn into an aloha hug by this teacher, or really by anyone here in Hawai'i ... but everything in me was wanting to put as much distance between me and this person as possible.

I definitely did NOT want to be locked body to body, heart to heart, in an embrace ... even though I had no idea why when, in general, I can be quite the hugger."

The continuation of such Wise Womyn Tales (+ what such experiences mean) unfolds here:

2) Regarding the other new way we can connect, that's this:

Additionally, beyond custom-tailored sacred "mystery school" guidance/adventures whether in person in Hawaii or scheduled long distance (, chatting in an impromptu way ABOUT the ins & outs of humanly evolving -- including how to navigate specific practical/metaphysical realities that are "up" for you right now -- has recently become possible here: 

Meeting in the ethers via this platform allows us the ability to connect directly around whatever happens to be going on in your personal growth/evolutionary journey right now; especially useful for those trying to get their current life in order, as well as anyone who is endeavoring to aid in the evolution of others &/or humanity as a whole.

(Different chatting-together options are also available from here:

How connecting directly in this way works: 

Signing up is quick, free, & you only have to do it once.

Then you've landed on this chatting-together platform where connecting in this wy becomes possible for as briefly or as long as you like, whenever you like, anytime I (known there as "TropicalCreatrix") happen to be online & available.

$5 credit applied to first-timers.

Charges only apply once chatting begins.

(At the moment, as you can see from the below image, I'm in the top 4% most active...though this will likely both increase & decrease over time, depending on scheduling factors.)

Looking forward to saying hello

& sharing our Wise HUMAN Tales!

My Mission:

Helping Humans Evolve into the Heaven on Earth state we're here to Co-Create

one individual at a time!

What's yours?