Resuming Destiny's Call?


Over years providing spiritual/emotional/practical council of one kind or another, I've noticed how many people (myself included) often feel just not completely content or satisfied with Life. It's as if the reality so many of us are busily living, falls far short of what we believe we've been promised (...or at least short of the better lives we perceive others to be enjoying).

Therefore, the explosive hoopla between individuals who co-created the recent feature film It Ends With Us (i.e. actors & actresses, director, producer, original writer of the novel the movie was based on, book/film/star fans with social media platforms & followings of their own, the press, PR firms, powerful agents, & even the husband of one of the main players) set me to thinking... 

...because all the accusations winging back & forth seem to stem from one original (mis)perception: whether or not each person & their work has been adequately, acceptably valued by others in their field, and by their own (human) selves (with behavioral defense mechanisms rearing ugly heads as each of these folks in their individual spheres becomes 'triggered').

This situation might be perceived of as a 'He Said, She Said' debacle with no easy answers ... except for the fact that proof of what went down (along with evidence of long-standing motivations & possible lack of integrity) on the part of certain players is coming to light, which makes overall Justice more likely (perhaps accompanied by some much-needed transformational societal shift soon thereafter?)

I bring all this up because -- as a creative person & metaphysical adventurer myself -- I was once involved in the film business, both Hollywood & indie, back in the days when such endeavors involved hiring (or amassing on a volunteer basis) cast & crew, time rented in editing suites, agents, distribution outlets, etc.

Filmmaking was an exciting though quite expensive undertaking, which involved much time, money, energy, joyful collaboration, heartbreak, stamina, satisfaction (& lack thereof at times!), new learnings, etc. all the way around.

Eventually, my own resources & attention moved on to other dreams also held dear, though I never did feel that I'd quite birthed as many film projects nor made as much of a mark in this professional realm as I always felt I'd been meant to.

Then digital filmmaking arrived, and with it enhanced possibilities to create movies without an over-abundant need for so many resources. 

So dive back into that world I did ... at least a bit.

Of course, by then other dreams were operating at breakneck speed as they rose towards full bloom, so these adventures required much time, money, energy, joyful collaboration, heartbreak, stamina, satisfaction (& lack thereof at times!), new learnings, etc., leaving precious little attention left over for the creation of further films.

Then again, I do have to acknowledge that these days, this is no longer the case.

And while making movies with cast & crew was always energizingly, complicatedly fun, today amassing a whole bunch of people is no longer necessary if one wants (i.e. is willing) to become familiar with new tech tools/distribution platforms instead.

Which -- though I am a bit tech-averse (often preferring Nature to too much sitting in front of computer screens) -- is something I've decided I do actually want to do.

Because these days, one can theoretically make entire short or longer films basically by themselves, without having to hire or obtain the approval of ... anybody.


And what good is putting forth high-vibe merch like Molten Mama's "Celebrate Life (if not now, when?)" apparel & accessories, if I'm not going to live by that same valuable, self/Life-loving creed myself? (

So, check out the new little less-than-a-minute movie I just made, below -- which makes me smile each time I look at it -- while asking yourself: 

Are you doing whatever is required in order to feel more genuinely content & satisfied with the Reality that YOU are busy living, today?

My recommendation:
Dance as if no one is watching...

- OR -

Dance as if everyone is!

(...whichever paradigm you find more inspiring, & elicits a smile)