Worldwide Meditation

 Back in 2020, a lovely metaphysical fellow named Jim Self brought 4,000 people from across the globe together, gathering weekly to sit on a metaphorical 'park bench,' to accomplish something important and different.

What did they do?

They gathered to create and begin living on a new, fifth-dimensional game board.

Here's how Self describes it in his own words:

"We met for 33 weeks. Then we paused.

The pause is now over.

It’s time to come together once again, to focus our collective attention on our shared intention, and to bring forth an alternate choice to the 3D duality, right/wrong, good/bad, anger, hate, and resentment.

We are being summoned to bring forth a new energetic field — an elevated Octave of Living Light to be experienced. A bridge to a fifth-dimensional life within a New Realm of Consciousness.

When two or more are gathered, creation happens.

It occurs through focused attention on a common intention. The impossible becomes possible.

The unimagined becomes manifest — not as a pleasant feeling of hope and 'someday' … but as the tangible present-time experience that we have always known is possible.

As the world around us moves through its challenging transition, there is another choice appearing. Starting July 14, 2024, we'll meet with others around the world in an active meditation to create a new possibility on planet Earth.

We’re at a point in time where a major transformational shift in consciousness is occurring. You can help impact that direction and help others adjust to the changes. While you uplift yourself.

Gather together with us to create a new realm of consciousness in respect, balance, and wellbeing. Let's make a difference."


Friends of Molten Mama/Mama Molten:

Want to connect personally & chat about this ... about anything else ... or just feel like interacting with another kindred soul traversing along similar paths during these most pivotal times?

Always happy to touch base on this other platform whenever I'm online & available: (which is also accessible from the "Chat Buttons" right here on this MM site.)

Here's to co-creating World Peace! :D

~ Namaste everyone! ~